
*What Details To Include: Tell us a little bit about your fireplace and what you want to accomplish by adding glass doors. Take a look at our Fireplace Doors and Finish Samples and tell us what you like. If you don't know what you like or do not have time to look through our selection, that's OK, our experts will create some mockups of doors we think will work best. The more information you supply the more likely the mockups we create are going to be something you like.






Example Of This Service







Note: These mock-ups are digitally created and meant to be used as a visualization tool only. The door frames are not exactly to scale and the finishes we attempt to replicate may not be accurate and will look different on every device.


3 Mock-up Limit: We are willing to create 3 requested mock-ups at no charge. We may include complementary mock-ups at our discretion if we wish to include any doors that you have not requested. If you want us to create additional mock-ups, we require a $50 non-refundable deposit for an additional 7 mock-ups. Your deposit will applied to your purchase if you order a door.

Rectangles Only: Currently, we provide the mock-up feature for rectangular fireplaces only, but sometimes we are able to do other shapes...it just depends on the photo you send and the doors we have pictures of. Keep in mind that it is difficult to turn a rectangle into an arch when it comes to computer graphics, so this is a limitation. Regardless of the shape of your fireplace, you will still want to email us your pictures so that our experts will know exactly what you have and be able to help you.

Privacy Note: Your privacy is very important to us, so we will never divulge your email address to any entity outside of our company. However, your picture may be viewable by other visitors to our website, so please do not show anything in the photograph that you do not want to be visible publicly. We will not associate your name or any information about you with your picture aside from any description you might provide. By submitting this form and including a picture, you are giving us all rights to use your photo in any manner we see fit.